Elon University Intern Abroad

Want to Get Credit for Interning Abroad?

Get hands-on career experience with an international internship. Learn how you can fulfill an internship abroad and earn credit through Elon University in partnership with Global Experiences.

Less than 1% of recent graduates have international work experience, while the majority will have 2-4 domestic internships. 

An international internship is a great way to travel abroad while gaining access to overseas employers and networks. In addition, an international internship has been proven to not only benefit your career, but increase your chances of getting the job that you want.


Ben D., in Barcelona

Elon student, Ben D., interned in Barcelona, Spain, in Summer 2017 with one of the top PR and Marketing firms in the world.

Check out Ben's Snapchat takeover video to see what a day in the life of an international intern looks like!

He said, "It's best to look back at an experience and be proud that you did it instead of regretting that you didn't!"

Ben shared with us more insight into his PR and Marketing internship. 

Read his full story here.

Here's What Fellow Elon Students Had to Say

If it wasn’t for Global Experiences, I would never have had the two of the most life-changing and fulfilling months of my life. This summer was my first time going abroad and I couldn’t have asked for a more charming city to live in or a better equipped team to help me prepare and transition into another culture. I was first interested in this program after learning about the guaranteed internship, and I was not disappointed as I was placed at an incredible office. My goal for this summer was to learn as much as I possibly could, and I can confidently say that I have learned more than I ever thought possible.

Allison I.

Accounting - Dublin, Ireland - Summer 2017

Dublin Accounting intern at Cliffs of Moher

Global Experiences gave me the opportunity to immerse myself in a brand new culture, live as an independent adult and commute in a city, and make friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Through my administrative theatre internship in Dublin, Ireland, I learned more than I could have ever hoped and made connections that I will keep throughout my professional career. I had the time of my life! You should absolutely take the opportunity to intern abroad with the help of Global Experiences. You truly never know until you go, and I would absolutely recommend taking the plunge and going abroad. Your experience will absolutely change your life.

Jaclyn K.

Theatre - Dublin, Ireland - Summer 2017

Dublin Theatre Intern with a puppy in Ireland

So How Does This Work?

Watch our "How it Works" video and learn about the Global Experiences program. This video will give you an insider look on how we match you with your tailored internship and get you prepared to intern abroad!

Don't forget to stop by the The Isabella Cannon Global Education Center (GEC) located on the third floor of the Global Commons (Global Commons 360) and the Student Professional Development Center in the Moseley Center Room 140 to find out how to continue your preparation for an international internship with Elon and Global Experiences.

Get The Details

There is no better way to gain career experience and put something impressive on your resume than with an  international internship through Global Experiences and Elon University.   

Summer programs are 8 – 10 weeks depending on location. Language proficiency is not required and in some non-English speaking locations language courses are part of the program. Students are matched individually to an internship approved by the Study Abroad office and relevant faculty.

Opportunities are available across all majors, and can be credit bearing.

Campus Contact

All Interested Students:
Elon Contact
Victoria Lo
Assistant Director for Global Internships
Global Commons 311
(336) 278-6700


Logistical Support Throughout the Program
