Global Experiences Blog

My Washington DC Internship by Sabine D.

Written by Jessica Burns | December.31.2009


Sabine D. was determined to go to journalism school but realized she needed real-world experience to make the most out of her education. The Algonquin College student knew that an internship was the best way to gain that experience and wanted to go abroad to do so. Sabine wrote us a blog to share her experience of interning in Washington DC with the world!

Choosing a Washington DC internship

I decided to work for a year and save up money, but I wanted to do something with myself. At first, I wanted to do volunteer work, but then someone suggested that I should do an internship. I thought that an internship was a fantastic idea and would give me a chance to gain professional experience.

I was determined to intern in another country, and after doing an hour of research, I came across Global Experiences. I looked at the prices, read the testimonials, and checked out what the internships had to offer. When I first called the GE, I talked to Jessica Burns.

Jessica was very friendly and helped me organize a Washington DC internship. She also answered all my questions about the internship. The thing I liked most about Jessica is that there was constant communication between us; I knew that I could go to her with any question or concern I had.

Arriving in DC

When I first arrived in Washington, D.C., it was an overwhelming mix of nervousness and excitement. I instantly fell in love with the city. Jessica came to meet me at the airport; it was great to finally meet the person I had been talking to for months.

Even though I was nervous, Jessica welcomed me with open arms, and soon I felt right at home. On the first day in Washington we went to eat some lunch then we did a little shopping. Jessica then took the time to show me around the area. I knew where to go grocery shopping, go out for entertainment, how to ride the subway, and live like a local during my DC summer internship.

George Washington accommodation

I loved staying at the George Washington residence because, not only did I meet people through Global Experiences, but I also met people in the GW residence. The residence was full of people all over the U.S. who were all partaking in an internship. Everyone was very friendly; many of the friends I made I still keep in contact with.

Journalism internship

The first day of my internship was overwhelming, but only because I was getting ahead of myself. On the first day of work, I thought I was going to jump right into things. I can tell you now that if my mentor had thrown me into the tasks she had planned for me at the beginning, I would have cried. Throughout the week, I progressively started to get more significant tasks.

I talked to Jessica about it, and the advice that she gave me was that I needed to constantly ask to do things. I asked for more responsibility, and my supervisor was more than willing to give me more tasks. My host company even let me take care of press work for the firm which was great since I was going to school for journalism.

Internship tasks

The first big project I got to work on was the planing out a press conference for our health care campaign. At first, I was wondering if I could handle it all, but now I look back at that time with a smile and say “wow I actually did that by myself.” Local TV stations covered the event, and I still have the articles that were written about it.

My international internship was an invaluable experience, especially because I received this experience at such a young point in my career. I met a former AP reporter at the firm, and she not only guided me but gave me advice on how I could reach my future goal of becoming a foreign correspondent. When I say take advantage of your internships in DC, I mean it!

There are so many opportunities in Washington that I took advantage of all of them. I went to many of the press conferences and hearings around the city and learned so much. I went to a journalism press conference, and it was fantastic. I met a well known reporter from the Washington Post. I actually got to sit down and talk with him about how journalism is changing and what that could mean for me as a young adult entering the field.

Changing perspectives

My internship in DC has completely changed my perspective on things, and I feel like I really grew up. When I got back home, I felt more confident in myself and my future. I know what I want, and I know how to get there. Washington was a huge stepping stone for me. I have no doubt that I will be revisiting the busy city sometime soon!

The streets of Washington DC are calling your name! Come find your dream career in the capital of the United States of America. Apply today to talk with a member of our team about all of our DC internship opportunities.